COURSE: Weight Management - Session 5 - Bariatric Surgery
This module is Session 5 from the Weight Management for Nurse Practitioners Webinar series. The focus of this module is Bariatric Surgery and is designed as part 5 of a 9 part series. The course is current at the time of recording.
COST: Free for members and non-members
1 CPD Hour*
Further information
| Who can complete these modules?
The modules are available to endorsed Nurse Practitioners, Advanced Practice Nurses, Nurse Practitioner Candidates and Students, Nurses, and Health Professionals.
| To enrol:
To enrol in an online module please:
1. Ensure you logged in to the ACNP website
2. Select your course by clicking on 'Enrol'
3. Enter or confirm your details.
Once your course is selected you will be asked to complete payment.
| Enquiries:
Phone: 1300 433 660
I Disclaimer:
- Your certificate will be available to download at the end of the module after you complete the assessment.
- *Conditions apply. Please refer to the 051 Continuing Professional Development Policy
- All information was correct at the time of recording