Metaspecialty Information

This research-based toolkit is one of the deliverables arising from a six-year research program exploring Australian nurse practitioner clinical learning, educational governance and capability, known as the CLinical LEarning, goVERnance and capability study (Gardner A et al, 2014; Gardner A et al, 2016; Helms et al, 2017). The program was completed by a team of Australian nurse academics and clinicians in close collaboration with the Australian College of Nurse Practitioners. 

CLLEVER2 Toolkit_Final_Web

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Anne Gardner, RN BA PhD MACN HFACNP Adjunct Professor Queensland University of Technology

Glenn Gardner, RN PhD FACN HFACNP Professor emeritus Queensland University of Technology

Fiona Coyer, RN PHD Professor Queensland University of Technology

Helen Gosby, RN NP BA MN FACNP Nurse Practitioner the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network

Christopher Helms, RN NP BSN PhD FACNP Nurse Practitioner lecturer Curtin University