State Resource Links
State Covid information website.
Covid Vaccine information and training -
State Covid information website.
Covid Vaccine information and training
State Covid information website
Covid Vaccine information and training.
State Covid information website
Covid Vaccine information and training.
Update 28 / 08 / 2020
a factsheet for health care providers – Entering QLD for essential Health care.
Update - 9/4/20
The Chief Health Officer has issued a direction under Public Health Act in relation to the prescribing and dispensing of hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19.
Fact sheets have also been developed for prescribers and pharmacists.
State Covid information website -
Covid Vaccine information and training -
COVID-19 Health Professionals Factsheet - SA medicine supply on a digital image of a prescription
CSR854 - DoH EP - Dispensers_1page_v13
CSR854 - DoH EP - Prescribers_1page_v15
State Covid information website
Covid Vaccine information and training
Update 18 February 2022
The following COVID-19 vaccine Public Health Emergency Orders (PHEOs) have been extended until 20 August 2022 (unless revoked earlier) with minor amendments:
- PHEO #8 Authorisation for preparation and administration - COVID-19 VACCINE
- PHEO #9 Authorisation for administration - COVID-19 VACCINE (students)
- PHEO #10 Authorisation for distribution - COVID-19 VACCINE
- PHEO #11 Authorisation - COVID-19 VACCINE (Aspen Medical)
- PHEO #12 Authorisation - COVID-19 VACCINE (Department of Defence)
- PHEO #14 Authorisation for preparation and administration - COVID-19 VACCINE (surge workforce)
- PHEO#15 Authorisation for administration - COVID-19 VACCINE (surge students)
The extended PHEOs (which includes their date of commencement) have now been published in Special Gazette No. S77 17 February 2022 available at: GG2022S077.pdf (
The Victorian COVID-19 Vaccination Guidelines webpage and other departmental pages related to the PHEOs will be updated shortly.
If you have any queries or comments, please forward them to the COVID-19 Vaccination team at
Update 20 August 2021
Consultation outcome - Public Health Emergency Order extension and minor amendments
The following COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Orders have extended for a further six months (unless revoked earlier) with minor amendments specified below:
- Short-term Public Health Emergency Order: Authorisation for preparation and administration – COVID-19 VACCINE (commencement date: 21 August 2021; No. GG 33 Thursday 19 August 2021 pp. 1771-1775)
- Short-term Public Health Emergency Order: Authorisation for the administration – COVID-19 VACCINE (students) (commencement date: 21 August 2021; No. GG 33 Thursday 19 August 2021 pp. 1776-1778)
- Short-term Public Health Emergency Order: Authorisation for distribution – COVID-19 VACCINE (commencement date: 21 August 2021; No. GG 33 Thursday 19 August 2021 pp. 1778-1779)
- Short-term Public Health Emergency Order: Authorisation – COVID-19 VACCINE (Aspen Medical) (commencement date: 21 August 2021; No. GG 33 Thursday 19 August 2021 pp. 1779-1780)
- Short-term Public Health Emergency Order: Authorisation – COVID-19 VACCINE (Department of Defence) (commencement date: 13 September 2021; No. GG 33 Thursday 19 August 2021 pp. 1780-1781).
Minor amendments include:
- Public Health Emergency Order - Authorisation for preparation and administration – SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE amended to include pharmacy students who have successfully completed all first year units of study from a Bachelor of Pharmacy program (i.e. in second year or above).
- Public Health Emergency Order - Authorisation for the administration – SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE (students) amended to include medical students who have successfully completed all second year units of study from a Bachelor of Medicine program (i.e. in third year or above).
A direct link to this gazette (Gazette number 33) can be found here from pages 1771-1781: GG2021G033.pdf (
The Victorian COVID-19 Vaccination Guidelines webpage and other departmental pages related to the emergency orders will be updated shortly.
Further work is also underway to authorise appropriate additional workforces that may be used to meet workforce demand associated with the COVID-19 vaccine program.
If you have any queries or comments, please forward them to the COVID Vaccination team at:
With best wishes and thanks,
The COVID-19 Vaccination Program, Department of Health
Update 02/07/2021
Public Health Emergency Order extension and minor amendments
All details can be read on the VIC Chapter page.
UPDATE 27/05/2021
Webinar on where to get the Covid vaccine details can be found on the Vic Chapter Page at VIC
In response to the seven day lockdown affecting Victoria from 11:59pm Thursday 27 May 2021, DVA has published a Provider News Article informing of services available to veterans and their families during the Coronavirus pandemic.
UPDATE 23/03/2021
Dear Immunisation Providers and interested stakeholders,
The Department of Health has now made the Victorian COVID-19 vaccination guidelines (the guidelines), appendices and resources available online on the following webpage:
The guidelines provide advice and describe the minimum requirements for delivery of the COVID-19 vaccination program in Victoria, in accordance with the requirements set out by the Commonwealth Government.
Compliance with the most current version of these guidelines is a condition of the Public Health Emergency Orders and Secretary Approvals that have been developed to authorise the workforces participating in Victoria’s COVID-19 vaccination program. Copies of these authorisations can also be accessed from the new webpage.
Currently, the guidelines are being updated weekly. Please ensure you are using the most up to date version. Updates are highlighted in yellow in the document.
Kind regards,
Vaccination Program | COVID-19 Response
Department of Health
e. | w.
Thank you to all organisations and individuals providing a response to the recent consultation ‘Authorising participation in the COVID-19 vaccine program in Victoria’.
Your input is appreciated and valuable for the planning and implementation of a COVID-19 vaccination program in Victoria.
Following review of relevant evidence, clinical safety and public health need, a number of existing and additional workforces have been authorised to administer, or support the administration of, the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE in Victoria.
Additionally, Public Health Emergency Orders have been used to authorise organisations to obtain, possess and/or supply the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE where required.
The following COVID-19 VACCINE Secretary Approvals and Public Health Emergency Orders have now been gazetted and are in force:
- Secretary Approval: Nurse Immunisers – SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE
- Secretary Approval: Pharmacist Immuniser – SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE
- Short-term Public Health Emergency Order: Authorisation for preparation and administration – COVID-19 VACCINE
- Short-term Public Health Emergency Order: Authorisation for the administration – COVID-19 VACCINE (students)
- Short-term Public Health Emergency Order: Authorisation for distribution – COVID-19 VACCINE
- Short-term Public Health Emergency Order: Authorisation – COVID-19 VACCINE (Aspen Medical).
A direct link to this gazette (Special Gazette number s 80) can be found here:
If you have any queries or comments, please forward them to the COVID Vaccination team at:
With best wishes and thanks,
COVID-19 Vaccination Preparedness Unit
Vaccination Program | COVID-19 Response
Department of Health
State Covid information website
Covid Vaccine information and training