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The Australian College of Nurse Practitioners (ACNP) is the national peak body for Nurse Practitioners and Advanced Practice Nurses in Australia. The ACNP is active in advancing nursing practice and improving access to health care. 

Registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA), Nurse Practitioners are focused on improving access to treatment, providing efficient, cost-effective care, and dedicated to improving health outcomes of all Australians, particularly those designated as at-risk populations, such as aged care, indigenous populations and general primary health care in remote and rural and regional areas.

The Nurse Practitioner scope of practice enables legal request and review of the most appropriate diagnostic tests, initiation of referrals to and from relevant healthcare providers, prescription of necessary medications and collaboration with nurse and other healthcare professionals to ensure the provision of holistic care.

Please feel free to explore, learn more about the Australian College of Nurse Practitioners (ACNP), Nurse Practitioners and how to become a ACNP member.

Visit the History of the Nurse Practitioner movement in Australia for insight into the origins and development of the Australian Nurse Practitioner role.


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